Thursday, 29 September 2022

The Wolf Pack and A Trukk

 The Wolf Pack

I recently decided to bust out this box and actually complete the contents of it. Richard and I had a test game in it and found that I enjoyed it, even if the games were lopsided against the Space Wolves. What spurred this on was of course, Richards sudden interest in the Warhammer 40k lore, and my subsequent desire to finish the long incomplete Primaris Space Wolves I had sitting around.

Well, incomplete they are no more, and what I envisioned a few years back when I got this box, has finally had the first stage completed. A full squad of Primaris Infiltrator Space Wolves.

Quite an easy kit to put together, with options to make them as infiltrators like here, or as incursors, with a similar loadout but more sapper like in essence. I decided to use Vallejo Game Colour Sombre Grey as a base colour, and primed it as such. Following a Vallejo Brown Wash and a thorough dry brush of Sombre Grey, the majority of the model is ready for fine detail to be applied.

Painting the bolters, antenna, inner joints, grenades, backpack exhausts and chest insignia Vallejo Model Colour Gun Metal Grey, I then proceeded to wash the joints, main body of bolters, bottom of antenna and grenades Citadel Contrast Black Templar, and the actual steel parts of the rest Citadel Nuln Oil.

Following this I applied to the straps, left shoulder pad, leg packs and holsters Vallejo Model Colour German Camo Beige. The left shoulder pad has three coats of Citadel Contrast Iyanden Yellow, applied as smoothly and evenly as possible.

The straps, packs and holsters are painted Citadel Contrast Snakebite Leather over the beige, and finally one coat of Citadel Contrast Iyanden Yellow over the insignia on the chest. The weapon scopes and eyes are painted Vallejo Model Colour Flat Red. The base is Vallejo Desert Sand Texture Paint and washed with Vallejo Sepia Wash. A simple Highlands Tuft is added on for flair.

Besides the Space Wolves, I also finished an Ork Trukk, painted to fit in with some boyz I painted a few years ago. This model also took a long time to finish, with much of the time being almost complete but for a things, and with our foray into Warhammer 40k, I finally decided to finish it off before I move on to paint the rest of the box, the Ork side, for playing with a narrative focus.

And here is the Trukk with all Da Boyz.

Here's hoping to the next update taking a lot less than this one :)

M-10 3-Inch Gun

 Having had another battle recently, I was again, put in the mood to paint something. This time, I decided on something quick and easy. I we...