Sunday, 17 November 2024

M-10 3-Inch Gun

 Having had another battle recently, I was again, put in the mood to paint something. This time, I decided on something quick and easy. I went with the other half of the M-10 kit. Being only two vehicles and five heads, I figured it wouldn't take me too long to complete, and it didn't.

Having these will give my lists some flexibility in both points per model and firepower. They're not quite as strong as the 17 Pounder variant, but that's ok, I think, as they tend to perform poorly anyway. "Glass Cannons" as Greg calls them. They pack a punch but never deliver. So here we are, a couple points cheaper per model - which you sometimes need when scraping together some extra units in support - but still able to tackle most of what Greg throws at me, aside from the Tiger's of course.

I tried to paint them up in the same way I did the last two, but I couldn't remember which Green I used. So I picked one that looked similar, turns out it wasn't, but this is fine. I quite like the subtle differences between the two sets. I like to think that the British kept them in their original colours after receiving them from the U.S. whereas the 17 Pounder vehicles were modified a little more.. For everything else, it's all the same.

The wash was a little heavy on them, but again, I don't mind too much. Makes them look dirty and used. I did get a little too excited and did the wash before the decals, but that's fine with me.

So that is them done, and another post complete. I hope to use these in a battle some time and see how these perform over their 17 Pounder counterparts.

1 comment:

  1. They look great, they will look even better with flame and smoke coming out of them.


M-10 3-Inch Gun

 Having had another battle recently, I was again, put in the mood to paint something. This time, I decided on something quick and easy. I we...