Tuesday, 30 May 2023

More Knights!

The knights are mustering.

 This update is focusing on my Bretonnian knights that I've been working on. The command section of a regiment of ten Knights of the Realm has now been completed. These models are 3D prints of fantasy knights from Highland Miniatures, and look really nice.

The Command.

My aim with this regiment is to paint every knight uniquely, in the traditional Warhammer Fantasy Bretonnia colour scheme from ye old 3rd edition days.

Horses in full gallop.

The standard bearer was painted orange and teal, using the Vallejo Game Colour Turquoise and Orange Fire, then washed with Contrast Terradon Turquoise and Contrast Gryph-Hound Orange. The flag itself had a white background then washed twice with Citadel Imperial Fist Contrast. The horse was painted Vallejo Flat Brown and washed Agarax Earth Shade.

Banner Bearer.

Can't see this!

The musician was painted yellow and purple, using the Vallejo Game Colour Gold Yellow and Royal Purple, them washed with Contrast Iyanden Yellow and Contrast Leviathan Purple. The guitar was simply Vallejo Woodgrain with the inner part Khaki, then washed Agarax Earthshade.

Doing a sick riff.

Even the horse is loving it.

The champion was painted grey and black, using the Vallejo Game Colour Stonewall Grey and Black, then washed with Contrast Apothecary White and Contrast Black Templar. His hair was painted white and washed with Contrast Imperial First, and the skin was simply white with a wash of Contrast Guilleman Flesh.

Great mane of hair.

His horse is too!

The silvers and wood were done in much the same way as before, with Vallejo Natural Steel, and a mixture of Flat Brown, Beige Brown and Woodgrain. The gold was initially painted Flat Brown then Vallejo Gold, then washed with Agarax Earthshade, along with the saddles and straps. The silver of the armour and weapons was washed with Nuln Oil.

The start of the Lance Formation.

Small bus right now.

For the King!

The bases again were done the same as before, with Vallejo Flat Brown, drybrushed Vallejo Ochre Yellow and washed Agarax Earthshade. The rim is Vallejo Ochre Yellow and a sprinkling of green grass to finish off the models.

Spread Out!

Four more to go and this regiment will be complete!

Monday, 29 May 2023

The Sneakiest Ork Of Them All

Today's update is going to be on my attempt at the Slap-chop method, which I've been interested in trying out. To do this, I decided to paint up Snikrot the Stalker, a unique Ork Boss who loves taking out his enemies in the most un-orky way possible.

Boss Snikrot.

I started out by undercoating the model Chaos Black and dry brushing Vallejo Cold White. I made sure to dry brush it thoroughly so as to have a more even colour application when the contrast paints go on.

Primed and Dry Brushed.
Bright green flesh.

I started with the first colour, Gutrippa Flesh. Its a nice green, reminding me of Goblin Green of old Citadel palette, and looks good for a orky flesh tone. Its a much brighter colour than how I normally paint ork flesh, but for this model I liked it. But seeing how flat the flesh looked, I decided to throw a brown wash over it, and used a 50/50 Reikland Flesh Shade and Contrast Medium mixture to give the flesh some definition.

The flesh after the brown wash.

The backpack painted dark brown.

After this, I decided to apply the browns, and settled on Gore-Grunta Fur, and got a nice dark brown leather colour, applying it to the bag, his belts and straps, and some string holding his pants together. Before I complete all the belts though, I decided to do his pants Asurmen Blue, so it is easier to fix any mistakes I make with the blue.

He's a jean kinda ork.

Skeleton heads and teef and nails.

The skulls hanging off his belt and his teeth and nails were painted Skeleton Horde, and I applied this before completing the brown on the straps and strings to again, make it easier to paint. Sometimes I had to come back with the cold white to repaint the mistakes I was making, often touching up the skin multiple times. Not difficult overall, but I can't see myself painting an army, or even a regiment or squad this way.

Black boots are walkin'.

He's coming together.

His boots were covered in plates of steel, and his two giant knives are all steel too, so I decided paint them with the Game Air Silver, and I was pleasantly surprised at how well it covers, possibly the best silver I've ever used. Its quite smooth and applies evenly, but I can see it being an issue for dry brushing simply because how runny it can be. I decided his boots were going to be black with the silver steel, and so I used Black Templar for them, and applied it to the heads of the stick bombs.

Cleaned up backpack.

The silver was all washed with Nuln Oil, and then painting the stick parts of the stick bombs Vallejo Brass, I finished the model off by applying the Vallejo Desert Scenic basing paint. A quick Agarax wash and a tuft finishes off the model.

Skittles on his facemask.

He's quite sneaky.

One days work.

So this took me a day, along with painting more Brettonian knights, and even applying more colours to some other ork characters that I'm painting the traditional way. But this was quite enjoyable to paint up, and might continue painting a model here and there like this, since it is quite satisfying to finish a model with such great results.

Until next time.

Monday, 1 May 2023

A Barracks For You!

Ghazy on top of his barracks.

 So in this update, I'm showing off a new Ork Barracks that I've put together and painted. I decided to try some new black spray primer, Rust-O-Leum Flat Black. My thoughts on it is that it covers quite well, if a little thick, and takes longer to dry. It also smells for a lot longer. It is quite good for terrain like this but probably not recommended for miniatures.

The black spray, suitable for terrain.

The kit itself was quite easy to put together, with long strips taking up the majority of the kit. It comes in two major pieces, which fit together to make it a blocky and cylindrical structure. I had bought another cheap silver paint to dry brush onto the black, but it has very weak coverage and required quite vigorous application of the dry brush to even brighten up the structure.

Orky Barracks.

 Pulling out my cheap acrylic paint set, I began blocking in the various colours, without trying to be too neat. These are ork buildings, and so a sloppy job suits it quite nicely. I can only imagine oppressed grots doing a shoddy job just to stave off another beating from the slave masters.

Orky Entrance or Exit?

This building will go well with the rest of my terrain, to make up what could be a section of Mektown, or simply an outpost or fort that the orks are inhabiting. I have more terrain to put together, but will slowly tick away at it while the hobby bug takes over.

An Orky Outhouse. Dear God!

Rooftop Party Area.

My other terrain.

Until next time, happy hobbying.

M-10 3-Inch Gun

 Having had another battle recently, I was again, put in the mood to paint something. This time, I decided on something quick and easy. I we...