Monday, 18 September 2017

Dirt Roads

This isn't something new for us, however, I have decided to make some additional sections of road and thought it would be worth sharing. The idea isn't one of our own, but rather, passed on to us from another FoW player / terrain builder. Our particular road sections are a little more simplistic, and still give us good playing terrain.

From a local hobbies and crafts shop, I bought several 30x20cm Brown Felt squares. Designing 4" wide road sections, I cut them up and began to paint them. I used Burnt Umber as the base coat mixed with a touch of water to allow the paint to soak into the felt, and to act as a scrub to remove any loose felt. I then mixed Raw Sienna into the Umber which made a sort of Tan tone. I scratched that into the middle of the felt to give the impression that heavy traffic had been moving along the dirt roads. Finally, I used a Light Green and scraped along the edges to give a 'grass' look, and left them to dry.

This technique, we had tried before, but found the Green faded. As such, spare Green Felt from designing the game board is being cut up and glued over the top to add a bit of depth and detail instead. It's an idea only just being tried, but is so far looking promising. In the future, using these techniques, I would like to make longer, thinner dirt tracks, just for different terrain bits to use on the board.

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