So with the sudden desire to play Warhammer Fantasy again, and seeing various YouTube battle reports playing this version of fantasy battle, I've decided to head back to the old world and battle it out on the table once again.
As with anything, its not entirely perfect balance wise, with somethings getting a buff and somethings getting a nerf. Shooting has been buffed in a substantial way, with elf shooting or BS 4 shooting being very good, and war machines like bolt throwers being invaluable assets on the table.
Elves aren't the killing powerhouses they were before in all phases of the game, and horde armies aren't the tar pits they were before. The game seems more balanced than eighth edition was, but there are still issues that need ironing out.
Onto the hobby, with Richard, Joe and I playing this game, I've had the desire to continue working on my Orcs and Goblins. The game has pushed me to get some more shooting into my army, and so I completed a unit of 20 Night Goblin Archers.
Night Goblins have always been easy to paint, with one can of black spray primer doing most of the work. The skin was done using my old army painter colour method, but since I've been actively trying to use only Vallejo Model Colour paints, I've since discovered an excellent substitute for goblin green, Vallejo Model Colour Flat Green.
Works really well, since I used to to fix any mistakes on the skin with it. In the future, next time I paint some Orcs and Goblins, I will try using it as a base, shading it with a green wash and highlighting back up with this again.
The Yellow is done with Vallejo Model Colour Flat Yellow, which has a decent application and coverage, even over black. It's then washed with Citadel Agarax Earthshade, which has been used on the skulls, teeth, wood and bows. The bows and wood are Vallejo Model Colour Beige Brown, and the straps on the bow is Vallejo Model Colour German Camo Beige.
The arrow fletchers and mushrooms are painted Vallejo Model Colour Flat Red, with the arrow fletchers and silver washed Nuln Oil. If you're seeing a pattern, then yes, I am extremely impressed with these flat colours from vallejo. They have incredible coverage, and are quite vibrant even after a wash. I'm a big fan of the Model Colour line from Vallejo and it's why I'm trying to use mostly the Model Colour range going forward.
Before I completed the regiment, I decided to ease myself back into painting with these three Night Goblin hero models. The left is a Warlord, the middle is a Shaman who's going Super Sayajin, and the right is a Battle Standard Bearer. These are nice models, with the left one being an old sculpt from Games Workshop, in metal, and the middle and right being resin sculpts from Forge World.
They were great to paint, and they easily fit into the army both in theme and usability on the battlefield. Fitting them into the archer unit is also a breeze, and they look great leading a unit on the table.
The plan next is to 3D print some fanatics for them, and to complete the Mangler Squig for an all Night Goblin army I'm working towards.
Until next time.