Friday, 28 October 2022

Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!

 Panzers and Tigers

So I might have finished the Space Marines component of the box set I started a few years ago, but while I was working on them, and a few other things, I also finished these nine WW2 tanks, more specifically five Panzer IV tanks in late war configuration, and four Tiger 1 in late war configuration.

I started out with a prime through the air brush of Vallejo German Dark Yellow. This is followed up by stippling Vallejo Chocolate Brown and Vallejo Reflective Green in camo patters. Once completed, a quick wash of light brown and a dry brush of Vallejo Model Colour Middlestone completes the majority of the tank.

The crew are basic German uniform colours, Vallejo Model Colour German Field Grey, skin is Vallejo Model Colour Flat Flesh and the leads and headphones is simply a black. The tools are Vallejo Model Colour Beige Brown and a silver.

The tracks were initially painted a black, then dry brushed a silver, but more importantly they are washed by Citadel Agarax Earthshade quite heavily. The crew are also washed in the same shade, along with the tools too.

The decals are old Plastic Soldier Company decals, and they are still in good condition, and transferred quite well.

Another project ticked off, and more grey removed from the pile of shame.

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