This time I went ahead and finished off my 17 Pounders that were sat, waiting to be painted for at least 5 years... They were bought to compliment my British Para Company Greg made me some years back. They were primered and left alone, which I decided to fix..
I was very happy with how they turned out. They were painted up following Pete the Wargamer's guide and I couldn't be more impressed. They went into battle, freshly painted, holding off a Troop of Tiger tanks for the whole game. Trapped down a narrow lane, with little room to manoeuvre, they made short work of the pesky beasts, grinding the advance to a halt, which is saying something, as they usually do sod all anyway, and I feared the dreaded curse of newly painted models...
Here they are watching the lane, covered in some hedges, keeping a sharp eye on the advancing beasts. Two were soon knocked out, causing the third to back up and retire to fight another day.
For the Tobruk Pits I put together some spare Tank Turrets I had, with some spare German MG crew. I wanted to build them as we didn't have any, I couldn't be arsed buying any, and I had an idea for them for a Mid-War Scenario I wanted to design - I eventually couldn't be arsed and never did, but they are built and can be used in the future.
Although the bases aren't correct, I'm not fussed. They came out well enough for me. They can be identified easily enough and if they're used in games between myself and Greg then it doesn't matter too much as long as we know what they are.
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