Thursday, 23 March 2023

Thursday Update!


Two Dreadnought Walkers.

Another Thursday, another progress update. So in preparation for an introductory game of 40k for the sneaky anon who comments on this blog, I decided to assemble the two dreadnoughts that will partake in the small patrol level game between the Orks and the Space Wolves.

Invictor Tactical Warsuit.

So beginning with the Space Wolves dreadnought, the Invictor Tactical Warsuit is a new variant of walker manned by the new generation Space Marines, the Adeptus Primaris. They aren't as heavy duty or as well equipped as the regular first founding dreadnoughts, but seem to be piloted by able bodied marines, instead of crippled marines interred into what amounts to a walking life support death dealing machine.

The marine comes out.

I'm not sure if I will keep the model in this state of mobility, but for the ability to paint it, I will be holding off on gluing everything down and keep it static in nature. The arms come off for ease of painting too. Its also quite fiddly and I fear that it would break off if not secured properly with glue.

He doesn't want to go back in.

Extended arm.

Where's he aiming?

It was quite a large kit to put together, and fairly complex to put together. Some pieces aren't even supposed to be glued together, for ease of orientating the model, like the pistons between his legs, which I glued before realising what I had done. I ended up fashioning some bearing looking pieces to attach to the underside of the legs, by using some sprue drilled out on one side and cut to size. Overall quite a nice kit to put together and looks great once all together.

I give up!

Those are exhausts, not jetpacks.

The bodge worked a treat!

But of course the Orks weren't going to be left hanging, they need a dreadnought of their own! In comes the mighty Deff Dread. Essentially a Mekboy and a Mad Doc come together in a collaborative effort to make one of these clanking murder machines on legs. First, the Mad Doc ends up with a "patient" who's too far gone on the operating table to make a full recovery, and needs a few limbs and/or organs replaced to be fit for duty. So the Mad Doc pays the Mekboys a visit and tries to find "replacement parts".

Deff Dreadwith four Klaws.

Sometimes the Mad Doc finds what he needs, be it a mechanical leg or arm, iron lungs, cranium plates, cybernetic parts or even vehicle parts. But sometimes, a Mad Doc finds himself a Mekboy who's eager to help, simply needing a "volunteer" to help him in his quest to make the more killy thing possible. And so a Deff Dread is born.

Kill Klaws and Saws.

Looks like a W16 engine on the back.

The kit is more straight forward than the warsuit, and it comes with a lot more options to build it. It has a variety of weapons to build it out with, and I decided to go with a close combat set up for this Deff Dread. I thought quite a bit on how I'd like to run it in game, and decided that the dread would want to be in close quarters more often than not.

Exhausts coming up.

I did have to drill out some of the exhausts on the model, and there were quite a few mold lines on it. Luckily, if I did miss some, the Orks aren't known for being refined and don't look after their gear like Space Marines do. I'm looking forward to the first game these two will have, and to see how they fare on the table.

Who will win?

Ghazghkull will win!

Until next time!

Friday, 17 March 2023

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka

The mighty prophet of the WAAAGH! has awoken, and he leads a troop of nobs into battle.

Finally! I've completed the mighty Ghazghkull Thraka, the single greatest ork in the galaxy of the 41st millennium, prophet of Gork and Mork, great warlord of the biggest WAAAGH! the imperium has had the displeasure of squaring up against.

Da boss in all his glory.

He's primarily of Goffs origins, and so I decided to incorporate black into his armour plates overall, but needed to make the model pop a bit more with vibrancy, and seeing how he's the great prophet and supreme warlord, with every klan following him into battle, I decided to throw in some more colours to represent his willingness to work with all the klans.

His power klaw, "Gork's Klaw".

I began with a spray of Chaos Black, followed by an entire model dry brush of Vallejo Model Natural Steel. With some bits on him being painted Vallejo Model Brass to break up the silver, that was the entirety of the metal work done on him. Using Citadel Contrast Black Templar, I painted in all the plates that were going to be black. The red was Vallejo Model Flat Red and the blue was Vallejo Model Flat Blue.

His gun is "Mork's Roar".

The cables are painted with Vallejo Model Tan Yellow, some of the short cables Valleo Model Park Flat Green. His skin is done in much the way as other orks I've done in the past, but there isn't much flesh there in the first place. His two tusks jutting from his armour were an experiment I tried, making it seem like old but well used pieces of his armour that he would impale his enemies on during his charges. Simply I staggered Vallejo Model Flat Brown and then staggered again Vallejo Model Pale Sand. Then I came in with multiple coats of Citadel Agarax Earthshade, getting closer to the base of the tusk with each coat, for a total of three coats.

The Warlord is MAD!

The yellow is a base is again matched to the existing ork army, with the textured desert sand washed over by Agarax Earthshade this time. Overall I'm quite happy with how he came out. I initially thought he might look a bit too monotone, but he's quite colourful for a Goff warlord, and I'd rather have a more colourful orky army than the more grungy dark look that Goff armies tend to be.

Got a bead on you!

With him done, I can move on to his little sidekick, Makari. He's basically a lucky grot who carries his boss pole around for him.

Until next time.

Sunday, 12 March 2023

The Beginning - Space Wolves vs Orks! Battle Report


Ragnar inspiring his brothers to fight.

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and Richard and I agreed to play some Warhammer 40000, with our freshly painted Orky terrain. Richard decided he would take command of Ragnar and his Space Wolf Infiltrators, while I led the Ork band against him.

The deployment.

The Space Wolves consisted of Ragnar Blackmane himself, along with two five man Space Wolf Infiltrator squads, each with Infiltrator Comms. A rather small force but hopefully Ragnar himself can make up for the lack of bodies on the battlefield.

The Ork warband consisted of a Warboss with attack squig, which was the only unpainted model on the battlefield, a five Ork squad of Nobs one Power Claw, one Big Choppa and one Kombi-Rocket. The rest had Slugga and Choppas to play with. They were going to ride into the battle on the back of a truck, which sported a Big Shoota.

Da Nobs getting into their truck.

A Ork Boyz squad of ten is the final piece to complete the Ork warband. They come with a Rokkit Launcher and other than two of the boyz which had Shootas, the rest are equipped with Sluggas and Choppas. They decided to hide out behind a building since the Nobs kicked them out of the truck and sped off in it.
Da Boyz being sneaky gits.

First turn goes to the Space Wolves, and they get a little cautious, with one team of Infiltrators taking defensive positions and Ragnar taking a side route to get closer to the Ork Boyz. The Space Wolves don't do any shooting, opting to get in better position by advancing, or staying hidden behind a building.

Turn one and the wolves are in wait.

Infiltrators are in position.

This squad is a little wary.

The Orks on the other hand, simply had one thing on their mind, to SMASH! The Ork Boyz immediately began legging it towards the watch tower, the same building that Ragnar was heading towards.

Get to da watch towar!!!

The Nobs took things more casually in the back of their truck, having the luxury of being driven around. While the Warboss, in all black and running around on foot, was not afraid of no 'umie, and decided to just step out and close the distance a little.

Ere we go! Ere we go!

Da Boss isn't afraid of nuffin.

The Orks opened up first in this battle, and they shot their crude weapons of war in their glee for bloodshed, as any sane ork would do. The Warboss show his Rokkit Launcher and predictably missed, even the boss hasn't got a steady hand when it comes to shooting. The Big Shoota on the Truck had better luck with one hit, but it glanced of the shoulder pad of the Space Wolves. The Nobs themselves with their Sluggas managed two hits and wounding twice, but the combined protection armour and cover was too much to hurt the defenders.

Orks ready to fire their guns.

Orks usually hit on fives.

Even the two is a save!

The end of turn one.

With turn one over, and everyone getting closer to each other, we moved on to turn two and the Space Wolves beginning their counter offensive. First, Ragnar decides to move into the watch tower, to gain it's cover and hopefully charge the Ork Boyz in the following turn.

Ragnar charges towards the tower.

He's hoping for some cover.

The squad that was hiding behind the building decide to spring out from behind it and lay waste to the Truck from it's side. The final member of the squad holding the building decided to move into the gate to have a shot as well. They opened up with their Marksman Bolt Rifles, and scored three penetrating hits, which automatically wound. After more wounding rolls, the Truck end up suffering two wounds after all is said and done.

Surprise Ork Scum!

Who left this gate open?

Three Sixes!

The Truck took four wounding hits.

But it manages to save two of them.

With the Space Wolves turn over, it was time for the Orks to push on into the fray. Firstly the Ork Boyz got closer to Ragnar and shot everything they had at him, managing to punch through one wound on the young leader.

One wound, followed by one failed save.

Ragnar literally lit up!

The Warboss then opened up on the Infiltrators and managed two wounding hits, which were saved following a Command Points re-roll to save them both. Following this, the Truck also opened up on the same unit, and in their eagerness, they forgot to aim.

A command re-roll is in order.

We'z sorry boss!

The Warboss decided that his claw would be a much better tool for killing, and so decided to charge in. The Infiltrators spent another command point to shoot overwatch and managed a penetrating hit, the with the Ork Warboss navigating his way to the soldier in the gateway.

Come here you git!

The Nobs also decided to forgo shooting and just rush into the unit, piling into the small space to smack the Infiltrators as hard as they can. The Ork Boyz needed a pretty big charge and managed it to reach Ragnar inside the building. However, as they forced their way in, they suddenly felt somewhat vulnerable not being able to all fit in and surround the legendary leader.

Get 'em boyz!

The Orks trying to squeeze in.

The Warboss then began fighting, seeking revenge for the new scar he just received, with three hits from his claw arm and his trusty attack squig managing two of it own. With two wounding claw hits and a good hit from the attack squig, the marine stood no change of saving himself. With the marine under the gate dealt with, it was time to focus on the other four up on the wall.

Its krumping time!

The marine fell swiftly.

Get down here you stinky 'umies!

Now it was time for the Nobs to get stuck in, and the boss completely whiffed his attacks with his claw. The other Nobs managed better, with marines going down before their onslaught.

We'z gonna smash!

Argh! Stand still ya git!

Don't worry boss, we got dis!

Kunnin but Brutal!


Even the Rokkit ork managed a good punch!

Next it was Ragnars turn to weather the attack, and the Ork Boyz only managed three wounds on the Wolf Lord. His return punch wasn't quite as deadly as he would of liked.

None shall pass!

The wolf bites back!

After the Ork onslaught.

Ork casualties.

Numbers thinned.

It was time for the first Infiltrator squad to exact revenge on the Ork Warboss who dared to kill their brother. They proceeded to jump down, combat knives in hand and deliver justice to him. As it turned out, these four marines were going make this Warboss pay for what he did, give him three new scars and seriously wounding him.

The wolf pack emerges.

A resounding amount of hits.

Followed by three wounds!

And three failed saves!

Now you're surrounded!

Unfortunately the other squad managed to show nothing for their efforts, the Ork Nobs more than capable to defending against their attack. At the end of turn two, the Orks are where they want to be, in close quarters combat. It's time for turn three, and to see if the Space Wolves can do anything to stop the Orks from over-running them.

The beginning of turn three.

To begin with, the Space Wolves starting shooting point blank their pistols against their foes, and while managing quite a few hit, weren't really able to wound the tough Orks with their pistols. With that out of the way, it was then the Orks who had first choice on who fights first. A decision had to be made, Try and save the Warboss by trying to kill the marines surrounding him, or fight with the Ork Boyz to increase the chance of killing Ragnar. In the end, the Warboss fought first, in an effort to save his hide.

Perfectly balanced.

Not a promising start, needing fours to hit.

But only needing twos to wound.

Needing sixes to save, two go down to the claw!

With the Warboss cutting up two Infiltrators, it was time for Ragnar to begin his slaughter, with lots of attacks going in and cutting up five of the unlucky orks, this time the Wolf Lord lives up to his reputation.

The Wolf Lord lets loose.

He swings and...

...he hits all but one!

Five dead orks!

It was time for the Ork Nobs to swing. The boss was gonna show he wasn't going to whiff again, and managed three hits. Unfortunately he got a bit too excited to finally hit his enemies that he forgot to turn on his power claw, because he killed nothing!

We'z not gonna be left out!

The boss isn't having a good day.

Forgot to flick the switch at his elbow to on.

The other Nobs again got stuck in with the fighting, and managed to show some more results for their efforts. With one Infiltrator going down, it was time for the Warboss to see if he can survive. With one wound remaining, it was going to be difficult, but not impossible, however with two wounding hits, the Warboss was going to go down, failing one of his saves. 

The Nobs swinging and Infiltrators saving.

The infiltrators lose another.

Not a great start against the Warboss.

But one wounding hit is all we need.

And the Warboss is down for the count.

His fate was going to be mirrored by Ragnar himself, going down to the single Ork Boy left on his own, who managed two wounding hits and downing the Wolf Lord. Once he saw he was the sole survivor, he thought it would be a great idea to leg it away and live to tell the tale.

It took one boy.

To down the Wolf Lord.

Proud of his achievements!

He ran off! Good on him.

With the turn three orks, remaining two Infiltrators engaged in close quarters with the Ork Nobs fell quickly, not putting much of a resistance, especially now that the Nob Boss turned his claw on and killed both of them. Better late than never! The Truck shot it's Big Shoota and managed to score no hits again, proving that Orks are no good at shooting yet again. So turn four rolled around and the Space Wolves began to retreat back up the wall for cover, intent on shooting at the orks from a vantage point.

Beginning of Ork turn four.
The Ork Nobs, now free to assess the battlefield, noted their Warboss was down and with the Infiltrators hunkering above his body, thought that this needed fixing in the most brutal fashion possible. With a full out spring and lunge up the walls, it was the Nob Boss who dealt the killing blows yet again. This concludes the battle, over in four turns, and me and Richard getting a better grasp on the rules of the game.

The Ork Nobs leaping up and killing the Infiltrators.

End of the battle. An Ork Victory.

The Casualties.

The MVP Model, even with his bad start.

Hope you enjoyed this battle report and until next time, goodbye.

M-10 3-Inch Gun

 Having had another battle recently, I was again, put in the mood to paint something. This time, I decided on something quick and easy. I we...