Friday, 16 June 2023

Update Part Deux! Some Failed Prints.

Six New Orks.

 So today I decided to print another batch of orks, and to my shock, four of the seven I had put on the build failed in one way or another, with one completely failing and printing a puddle of nothing. As I was cleaning the plate and about to throw out the three other failures, I decided not to toss them away as failures, but instead attempt to save them by sending them to the Doc!

Fit and healthy boys.

"Fit" and "Healthy" boys.

While one of the four was completely borked, the other three were either missing limbs or their guns completely failed. The first one I worked on was the Big Shoota Ork, who has failed in the past with missing bottom and the gun failing completely too. This time round he was missing half of his left leg. No worries, the Doc will just give him a new leg, a better leg! A bit of sprue and a Space Marine Proximity mine will do the job.

Mine new leg!

The second ork had his hand and gun barrel turn into a blob, so I carefully broke off the offending piece and glued on a gun from the GW ork boyz sprue, cutting it in two and attaching it so as to look like his bionic arm connects to the side of the gun. with a shoulder plate to cover up the gap, and filled in with blue tack mixed with superglue. Looks weird, but that's perfectly orky in nature, a Doc's gotta do what a Doc's gotta do!

Shoota Arm FTW!
The last ork had his gun melt off his hand, and his hand wasn't much better either. A quick snip and he had a bare arm with a stump. I was in two mind about him, should I give him a shoota arm or give him a powerclaw and cut his choppa off and replace it with a slugga? Rummaging around the bits box I found this cabling connected to a scorcher bit, and decided that a shoota arm with this cabling coming off it and connecting to his waist would look better. Again, blue tack mixed with superglue helped fill in the gaps and another shoulder pad to make it look like the patch job that it is.

The boys are ready for a priming.

With that, I'm preparing to re-print them again, to see if it fails in the same way. If they do, then I might have another opportunity to send some more boys to the Doc!

Da Boss and his Rocka!


Traditional Warboss, and Goff Rocker.

Todays update is a Warhammer 40k Orks update, more specifically an Ork Warboss and the promotional Christmas miniature of 2022, the Goff Rocker. These two miniatures were a great joy to paint, and I am looking forward to fielding them in the near future, especially in the new edition of Warhammer 40k.

Warboss and his pet attack Squig.

The warboss is equipped with a combi-weapon, powerklaw and has an attack squig. On his back he has two sluggas in case he needs even more dakka. I painted him in the traditional Goff colours, but with some red in it. Black, silvers and reds go really well with each other, and match the green of the ork skin.

Mad Squig.

The squig itself is painted in the usual squig colours, and is simply washed and light dry brushed for great effect.

Mean looking powerklaw.

A few cables and straps were painted brighter colours, just to liven up the model, and it really stands out. The backpack was painted brown, and his stick bombs were capped red to stand out.

Combi-Weapon, bullets and rockets.

A fearsome sight.

The Goff Rocker is an obvious orky inspiration of Slash from Guns N' Roses, with his top hat and the fact he's a guitarist. I decided to paint the hat purple, thinking it matched Slash's hat, but afterwards I googled some photos of him and noticed his top hat is actually black. Oh well purple still works great, and this way he stands out more.


He's using his guitar as not only a musical instrument, but also as a 'Uge Choppa. His microphone is actually a stick bomb if you look closely, so he can belt out some tunes and literally have an explosive mic drop.

Poor little bugger.

He's got his foot on his trusty squig amp, so he can carry a tune even into battle, with all the noise going on. He's truly an inspiration to all his ork boys, sending them into a headbanging fervour to greater heights.

His Stratocaster.

Remote Control Stickbombs?

I'll be using his either as a standard warboss, with a 'uge choppa and attack squig, or as a weirdboy, since he is not far off from a shaman, singing and dancing around the battlefield.

Who would win?

Da Warboss and his Nobs.

Da Goff Rocker and his Boys.

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Combat Patrol

 For my birthday last year, Greg bought me the Space Marine Combat Patrol box set for Warhammer 40k. I have finally decided to sit down and put it all together. It has been something I have worked on slowly over the course of a week or two, but am happy it is finally complete.

He bought it knowing I was quite interested in the Salamander Chapter of the XVIII Legion. I had come across them through various readings on the interwebs and they really struck me as an interesting and not too edgy or cringy Chapter. Being very new to the hobby, both myself and Greg are slowly working on our armies, as has been seen on the Blog with Greg's posts on his progress. He is working on both Space Wolves and Orkz. He has been reading on the Lore for sometime now, so has a much better grasp than I, however, reading through a book on the Salamanders has really pushed me to at the very least build the box up.

So let's have a look and see what we have.

First off, we have the Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour. It looks cool, although I am not a fan of the things on the back of the backpack personally, but nevermind.. A great stance for the model and looks like he means business.

Secondly are the Infiltrators. I was really put off these at first as I do not like the antennas at all. When I think of Space Marine, I do not think of these guys. It's usually the Intercessor that comes to mind. But given they are a Recon element, it makes sense and I stuck with them. Now they are together as a Squad, they look pretty fucking cool. All the various stances are quite nice and come together really well.

First Squad of Infiltrators with the Salamander head added from the add-on sprue. I like it.

Second Squad. I really like the model tossing the Grenade. A nice little detail.

Now for the Eliminators. These guys look pretty nifty. Snipers within the 40k Universe. No idea how they play in the game or how well they do, but time will tell. They look futuristic and menacing, whilst retaining some of the traditional style of a Sniper, which works really well. They actually have a bit of a STALKER look to me, which is nice.

Now for the unit which nearly killed my motivation in completing this box.. The Suppressor.. These guys are some sort of Machinegun dudes with Jet Packs. The actual model itself wasn't too troublesome to put together, perhaps the only minor issue I had with the first model of the three was fitting the arms and gun together to align with the ammo belt, but I soon learned from my mistakes. It was the stupid stand they sit on. By the time the glue set on them, it basically melted away the plastic it was supposed to bond. The issue I found was the model is front-heavy, so it wouldn't balance well due to no counter-balance. Infuckingfuriating. It really did nearly kill my motivation, but I stuck with it..

Never again will I purchase these... And now, for the final piece of the box set. The Impulsor. As I don't have the SM Codex - and especially since 10th Ed. has just released, I have no idea what it actually is other than some sort of hover-vehicle. No idea how it functions and what it is capable of, but that's ok. We will figure all this out eventually. It looks pretty cool and it took me the better part of an afternoon to put it together.

It's fitted with some kind of Rocket mounted system and a Machinegun. I don't actually know because the box set is Japanese and I don't read Japanese, lol, but nevermind. I've actually decided to not glue it down, rather I will prime it in place so I can swap it out with some antennae part - I presume it will give some sort of Vox buff? Dunno, but it looks nice.

My thinking for this is, if it is some sort of Squad Transport, surely it might link up with the Lieutenant and give added range on an Infiltrator Squad in the Midfield? Who knows, but it is what I have decided on..

And finally, all the boys together posing..

All-in-all, a fantastic little starter box with a great range of models. Absolutely great value for what you get in the box and what you pay for it. Not really a great start for Salamanders, however, but that's fine because they can still be played. But to add on to this force, I did manage to purchase the Deathwatch box set which leans more heavily into the Salamander build and play style. Eventually I will get around to putting that together. Meanwhile, before any of this is even painted up, they can also be added onto Greg's Space Wolves army for bigger games against his ever growing Ork army.

Until next time.

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Some 3D Prints

The Four Brothers.

In todays update I have four Orks painted up slap-chop style, all done in one day. These orks are 3D prints I've had for a while, and decided to get them printed out, and managed to finish them in one day. I printed these four, along with a larger Warboss model, which I don't have a big enough base to put him on, and a sixth ork model, but that one failed to print correctly and as such a tossed it away.

Big Bro Buzzog!

The first ork of the bunch is a Nob sized ork with one shoulder pad and a big rocket powered hammer. He seems to have his legs being powered by cybernetics, and the hammer has some jets on the back of it's head to propel it into somethings head even faster than he can swing it.

Smart Bro Kurgor!

The second ork of the bunch is a regular sized ork boy, but he seems to have had some doc work on his brain, and it seems to have done him a world of good, because he's actually aiming with his weapon, sighting down it's length instead of just aiming in a general direction like most other orks do.

Dakka Boy Snazgob!

The third ork of the bunch is slightly misprinted, his mouth section jutting out weirdly. I decided not to scrap him, thinking that he could simply be gobsmacked, literally having his jaw smashed and healing incorrectly. This guy is obviously learnt his lesson and now keeps his distance and shoots his weapon, making sure he never runs our of ammo with his large capacity magazine.

Mean Boy Gurrok!

 The last ork of the bunch is sporting a choppa and slugga, intending to shoot his enemies point blank and bashing their heads in. This one has a tyre protecting one of his shoulders, since he's going to have to make his way to his prey on foot.

The brothers having a meeting.

The ork flesh was painted with Contrast Ork Flesh, so its a more cool green than Snikrots skin, works quite well for space orks, and doesn't need an additional brown wash over it to look good. The pants I decided to use Contrast Terradon Turquoise, for that jeans look, which came out perfectly. I painted all the metal bits Contrast Black Templar and then sparingly picked out details with a silver. The straps, belts were done with Contrast Gore-Grunta Fur, and the boots was Contrast Snakebite Leather.

Get Em Boyz!

The bases are the usual Vallejo Desert basing with Agarax Earthshade. The metal bits were washed Nuln Oil, and teeth and nails were painted Cold White and washed with Agarax Earthsahde. Any red is Flat Red washed with Nuln Oil.

All Dat Booty!

Excellent results and fast too. Quite happy with how they came out, and am looking forward to painting more.

M-10 3-Inch Gun

 Having had another battle recently, I was again, put in the mood to paint something. This time, I decided on something quick and easy. I we...