Friday, 16 June 2023

Update Part Deux! Some Failed Prints.

Six New Orks.

 So today I decided to print another batch of orks, and to my shock, four of the seven I had put on the build failed in one way or another, with one completely failing and printing a puddle of nothing. As I was cleaning the plate and about to throw out the three other failures, I decided not to toss them away as failures, but instead attempt to save them by sending them to the Doc!

Fit and healthy boys.

"Fit" and "Healthy" boys.

While one of the four was completely borked, the other three were either missing limbs or their guns completely failed. The first one I worked on was the Big Shoota Ork, who has failed in the past with missing bottom and the gun failing completely too. This time round he was missing half of his left leg. No worries, the Doc will just give him a new leg, a better leg! A bit of sprue and a Space Marine Proximity mine will do the job.

Mine new leg!

The second ork had his hand and gun barrel turn into a blob, so I carefully broke off the offending piece and glued on a gun from the GW ork boyz sprue, cutting it in two and attaching it so as to look like his bionic arm connects to the side of the gun. with a shoulder plate to cover up the gap, and filled in with blue tack mixed with superglue. Looks weird, but that's perfectly orky in nature, a Doc's gotta do what a Doc's gotta do!

Shoota Arm FTW!
The last ork had his gun melt off his hand, and his hand wasn't much better either. A quick snip and he had a bare arm with a stump. I was in two mind about him, should I give him a shoota arm or give him a powerclaw and cut his choppa off and replace it with a slugga? Rummaging around the bits box I found this cabling connected to a scorcher bit, and decided that a shoota arm with this cabling coming off it and connecting to his waist would look better. Again, blue tack mixed with superglue helped fill in the gaps and another shoulder pad to make it look like the patch job that it is.

The boys are ready for a priming.

With that, I'm preparing to re-print them again, to see if it fails in the same way. If they do, then I might have another opportunity to send some more boys to the Doc!

1 comment:

  1. Give your fit and healthy boys little dicks that you can tongue!


M-10 3-Inch Gun

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