Sunday, 30 July 2023

A Hulking Brute


Warlord and his mob.

An Update! Today I finished off three Ork models, a large Ork Warlord with twin power klaws that I 3D printed with a large batch of prints I did a while ago. The other two models I finished painting is an Ork with a rokkit launcha and one with a blunderbuss.

Big Git and his Smaller Gits.

All these models were painted with Contrast paints, with minor details using standard acrylic paints and washes. These are going to look quite differently to my regular 40k Orks not only because they are 3D prints and look different, but the colour scheme will be looking different, such as the skin itself.

Blunderbuss Git.

Mega Git.

Rokkit Git.

The prints themselves look pretty good, with print scan lines visible upon closer inspection, and with the painting process being quick and nasty, the scanlines are much more visible than they normally would be.

"We'z gon' be ignorin youz."

I've printed a total of forty-five Ork models, and they will be making up a force of entirely 3d printed models for 40k. The aim of this is simply to paint miniatures with the "slap-chop" method. Simple and effective method that goes well with these ork models.

Big Shoota.

There have been some misprints, with some being so bad that they are unusable, but as they are orks, some kit bashing and model making was called for, and they look suitably janky for orks. I'll slowly over time use these models to take a break from painting my other miniature projects, and in time will have two ork units of twenty, a warboss and a mega warboss.

My painting setup.

1 comment:

  1. Looking class them, mate. Keep up the hard work.


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